blooms day celebrations.

my outfit today is ice queen.
headpiece by a lady from 
Ukraine living in Dublin

blooms day celebration

a selection of our customised dresses.

hello dolly

 oh! bloomers.

how many dresses did you buy in the end?

Diane, look great every day,

Katie and friend from vintage shop


we know your shop already.

from new york.

magic tricks for bus fare.

look into my eyes.

he told me he's from hollywierd.

music in cafe

sing for your supper.


Brittney said...

All of these dresses are beautiful! :)

Becky said...

I love the first customised dress and then the white peasant looking one, too!
Happy Blooms Day! Best book ever. One of my Lit professors had us read it and every time he would discuss the characters he would talk in terrible Irish accent-- it was my favorite class ever.
Your crown is simply amazing,

mispapelicos said...

Wonderful ice queen, and glorious people in magic outfits, ahhhhhhhhh
Lucy, we aare well over 36Âșc so I am dreaming of cool Irland.

Ulla-Marie said...


Helga said...

You are indeed the Ice Queen!!! I love an all white outfit.
Awesome Summery outdoors shots, I always love seeing all your visitors, and now some street scenes! XXX

Curtise said...

Love the Ice Queen look, and all those customised dresses. So many interesting people - Lucy's is the place to be! xxx

thorne garnet said...

I love the dress with the flowers all down the front

Unknown said...

What wonderful dresses!

Flora Cruft said...

You look beautiful as a glorious ice queen, I love that dress and the crown. As for all those dresses you've decorated for Blooms Day, I'm in heaven!

Patti said...

Ice queen with a heart of gold? : > Love all these pics, and thanks for sharing with Vis Monday! xoxo

CityScape Skybaby said...

It all looks amazing, love seeing your gorgeous ice queen outfit, the customised dresses and all the interesting characters who come to your shop. xx

Vix said...

What a magnificent Ice Queen costume, you look positively regal!
The second dress with the trailing flowers is just magnificent, I'd love to wear that to Glastonbury, it's the festival frock of my dreams! xxx

Melanie said...

I agree. You are the Ice Queen. How I wish you lived here or I could see you there. Your custom creations are art. And your customers seem to appreciate your treasures so much.

Miss Simmonds Says said...

I love all those customised dresses and the white one you're wearing is beautiful too. The head dress is gorgeous as well. It looks like so much fun in Dublin!

Lala said...

the place looks amazing and really loving the purple color building

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